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Facebook Invisible name

1. First , Open your browser (Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome). 

2. A. For (Mozilla Firefox) Click on ToolsOptionsAdvancedNetworkSettings, and select “Manual proxy configuration” and then put check on "Use this proxy server for all protocols" 

B. For (Google Chrome) Click on SettingsShow advanced settingsNetworkChange ProxSettingsLAN Settings and put a check on “use a proxy server for your LAN”

and then change the browser’s proxy from below :
PORT: 8081
this then save settings.

3. From your Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome browser, open your Facebook account and go to “General Account Settings" and Change language settings to “Bahasa Indonesia“.

4. After changing the language to Bahasa Indonesia, edit your name by clicking the pencil icon then copy and paste the code below then remove your last name.

5. Now Change back your Language settings from “Bahasa Indonesia” to “English (US)“.
After completing all steps remove “Manual proxy configuration” in Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Settings and select “Use system proxy setting“

That's it!

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Facebook Invisible name Reviewed by HaxActivity on 7:15 PM Rating: 5


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